GLAS LLAGA + Glass Tools & Glass Hardware


GLAS LLAGA is an international company of glass Hardware and glass tools. Therefore the multilingual online shops offer a wide range of glass hardware and glass tools for glass constructions.


The Alphabet of Products 

Abrasive discsAbrasive polishAdhesives Door LocksAdhesives Bonding

BeltsBracketsBlocks LeversBreaking Pliers

Corner ProtectorsCircle CuttersCerium-PolishCabinet Door Hinges

Display ConnectorsDisplays FastenersDisplay LocksDiamond PadsClampsExchange WindowsExtrusions ProfilesElectronic Glass-Measurement

Foam mounting Tapes FittingsFixation DevicesFelt Discs

Glass ToolsGlass HardwareGlass Lifting ToolsGlass Door Locks

Hanging SuppliesHandlesHackout KnifesHinges

Information SystemsInstant AdhesivesInstallations ToolsInset Hinges

KnifesKnobsKits for MirrowsKits for Glass-polish

Laser ToolsLatchesLifting ToolsLocks

Mirror HardwareMirror PivotsMirror ClipsMeasuring DevicesPump Suction LiftersPolishing CompoundPolishing WheelsPivot Hinges

Railing SystemsRatchet LocksRazor ScrapersRunning Pliers

Showcase hingesScratch removal systemSpeak ThrusSuction Lifters

Ticket WindowsThick Glass CuttersToolsTransaction Windows

UV Curing LampsUV AdhesivesUV LampsUV DetectorVacuum CupsVacuum LiftingVertical WindowsVinyl Corner Covers

Wall SupportsWall Glass HingesWet AbrasivesWool Felt Wheels